Are you or your patients taking effervescent potassium citrate but tired of the orange flavor? Did you know that Effer-K is the only effervescent potassium citrate available in flavors other than orange? Effer-K 25 mEq is available in a variety of flavors: Orange (of course), Lemon Citrus and Cherry Berry. Effer-K 20 mEq is available in Orange Cream and Effer-K 10 mEq is available in Cherry Vanilla.
Do you or your patients not like any flavor at all? Effer-K is also the only effervescent potassium citrate available in an unflavored form. Unflavored Effer-K can be dissolved in any beverage of choice. Typically patients dissolve Effer-K in some type of juice but other beverages will work as well. We have heard of patients who dissolve Effer-K in Coke. We even have dissolved Effer-K in Ensure (a nutrition drink) inspired by a doctor’s request. And, yes, it does dissolve. It just takes a few minutes.
So if you are looking for an alternative to the Orange flavored potassium citrate, give Effer-K a try. For physician or patient samples, please visit our web site.