The Effer-K team is back from Las Vegas. We just returned from exhibiting at the national ACOFP (American College of Osteopathic Family Physician) meeting. Despite crowded conditions in Vegas due to the NCAA tournament and snowstorms delaying our arrival home, we managed to enjoy ourselves.
The ACOFP attendees were amazingly receptive and interested in Effer-K. Over the course of three days, we had about 100 visitors to our booth providing us an opportunity to introduce many physicians to Effer-K.
Working the booth was like one big déjà vu as it seemed, once physicians stopped and considered their current KCl prescribing practice, almost all responded similarly. “Oh yeah,” they would say “those KCl tablets and capsules ARE hard to swallow. A lot of people have trouble with that.” Needless to say – we will be sending out a lot of Effer-K samples to the doctors we met. We hope that they provide your patients’ with relief.
In the booth we were also scanning badges for our giveaway of a $100 Visa gift card. The winner was Dr. Christopher McGraw from Minnesota. Congratulations, Dr. McGraw!
If you happened to stop by our booth in Vegas to learn about Effer-K – thank you for taking the time to learn about Effer-K.